Question Banks


Legacy Collection

SAT Quantitative Comparison

Grade Levels Elementary (K-5) Middle (6-8) High (9-12)    
Subjects Mathematics Science Social Studies ELA Other
Question Types Multiple-Choice Interactive Short Answer Free Response Passage-based
Features Paired Questions Ordered by difficulty Spanish Translation    
Number of questions: 1,010
Originally published by: EducAide Software, the maker of Problem-Attic
Database organization: Topics
Requires subscription: No


For many decades “quantitative comparison” questions were part of the SAT. In 2004, the College Board, which makes the SAT, decided to eliminate that type of question. However, it still appears on the GRE (a graduate school exam) and remains useful for regular classroom instruction and assessment, for several reasons:

  • The questions are excellent for teaching higher-order thinking skills.
  • Many of the questions can lead to discussions, be solved in small groups, or be used for peer-to-peer learning.
  • Quantitative comparisons are a valuable alternative to multiple-choice questions. They make just as good use of classroom technology (handheld devices or clickers) and can be much more engaging.
  • The questions work with all of the document templates in Problem-Attic”not just tests and worksheets. For example, you can print them as flash cards or overheads and use them for daily warmups or closure.

The questions in this bank are also conveniently organized by topic.