Ordering information
Our Winter Sale is underway! Normally the subscription period for Problem-Attic is July 1st to June 30th. Since the year is half over, a subscription ordered now includes a free renewal for next school year—it will continue all the way to June 2026.
A Problem-Attic subscription is school-wide. Its database covers all grades and core subjects, and everything is available to you when you purchase a subscription. While the program is a teacher tool, we use enrollment (number of students) to determine school size. The pricing tiers are shown here:
number of students |
price | ordering code |
2600 or more | $ 1995 | SRM26 |
< 2600 | $ 1895 | SRL26 |
< 2400 | $ 1795 | SRL24 |
< 2200 | $ 1695 | SRL22 |
< 2000 | $ 1595 | SRL20 |
< 1800 | $ 1495 | SRL18 |
< 1600 | $ 1395 | SRL16 |
< 1400 | $ 1295 | SRL14 |
< 1200 | $ 1195 | SRL12 |
< 1000 | $ 1095 | SRL10 |
< 800 | $ 995 | SRL08 |
< 600 | $ 895 | SRL06 |
< 400 | $ 795 | SRL04 |
< 200 | $ 695 | SRL02 |
The number of students is the total in grades 1–12. We don’t count Kindergarten or Pre-K. Also, we round down and usually consider a school to be in the next lower tier if its published enrollment number is within 20 of the cut-off.
A Problem-Attic subscription is for one school site, as defined here. Within the school, the subscription supports teachers in all grades and core subjects: math, science, social studies, and ELA. For multiple schools or a district-wide purchase, we offer quantity discounts. Please contact us to learn more.
How to get a price quote
If you are considering Problem-Attic for your school, you can get a price quote online.
To get a quote, click the following link, fill in the information for your school and confirm your enrollment. A quote will be emailed to you.
On the quote, there will be links to a signed W9 form and sole source letter, which you may need for a purchase order or requisition. The same links are also provided further down. The price quote will be valid for 30 days. If it expires before you submit an order, you can return to the page and get a new quote. (Depending on when you do this, it’s possible that prices will have changed.)
The online form is for a school which does not already subscribe to Problem-Attic. If your school is renewing or you’d like a price quote for multiple schools, please contact us.
How to place an order
Normally you should request a price quote as the first step (see above). This allows us to verify your school information and get it into our system. After we do this, we can activate an account very quickly.
Assuming you’ve received a quote and you’re ready to place an order, the next step is to fill out a school subscription form. The steps are below. Briefly, the form tells us who will be in charge of the subscription. We call that person the administrator. Typically, it’s a curriculum or technology specialist, department head, or active user of the program.
The administrator’s main responsibility is to add teachers to the school account. This is very easy, because it’s done with email addresses only. For more information about school accounts, see this overview or our admin instructions. Please note: in Problem-Attic there’s an option to appoint a “deputy”, or assistant, to help manage the school account.
After we receive the form, we may ask for additional information about your school. Then we’ll activate the subscription and send instructions to the administrator. Please note that we can do the activation before receiving a PO as long as we’ve received your form and you provide us with the PO number. Then teachers can get can get started while the paperwork is handled separately.
If you’re going to place an order, you may need to register our company as a vendor. Please email us any vendor forms or data/privacy agreements that are needed. Here are two documents that your business office may request from us:
signed W9 form sole source letter
How to fill out a subscription form
Note: the person who fills out the form must be a registered user of Problem-Attic. Sign up is free.
Log in to Problem-Attic.
Click Plans in the main menu at the top of the screen. Choose Subscription form.
Click Continue to form.
Fill out the form with your school information. If you have not already been sent a price quote, please include an ordering code so we know the size of your school. Ordering codes are shown in the table above.
Select a payment method. If you are going to be submitting a PO, the number is not required, but having it can speed up the activation process.
Read the School Subscription Terms. If they are acceptable, click the Submit button.
We will send you an email confirming receipt of your form. If appropriate, we will ask for confirmation that you are placing an order. Depending on your payment method, we can normally activate a subscription the same day.
Unless you tell us differently, we assume the person who fills out the form is going to be the administrator. If that is not the case, please have the administrator email us directly (support@problem-attic.com). For licensing reasons, any change has to made at our end.
More details about the form
For your school name, please be as specific as possible. If your school has a commonly recognized name, use it instead of a longer formal name. For example, you could enter “New Arts Academy” instead of “New Technology and Arts High School Academy”. We verify all names and will not accept a district office or generic name instead of a school. Please see School Subscription Terms for our definition of a school site.
Be sure to enter your complete address and phone number. If you have a separate billing and shipping address, the billing address is usually better. Please keep in mind that Problem-Attic is 100% web-based, so there is no physical product to deliver. All notices are sent by email, with the possible exception of an invoice, which some districts prefer to be sent through regular mail.
Choose one of the three radio buttons to indicate your payment method. Based on your selection, we will send you an invoice or a link for paying by credit card, or we’ll be assuming that a purchase order will follow.
Submitting purchase order If you provide the PO number, we can usually activate a subscription the same day. Otherwise, if you leave off the number and we don’t have any prior communication regarding your order, we will generally send a price quote and then follow up with you.
Paying by credit card If you want to pay by credit card, with or without a PO, we will send you a link for entering your credit card information online. (Please do not send it by email, because it’s not secure.) After confirmation of payment, we will activate your account and send instructions for getting started.
Invoice me (terms are net 30 days) If you wish to place an order without a PO, we can bill you. Before we can activate your school subscription, however, you will need to confirm by email that you are placing an order and the invoice will be submitted for payment. (We don’t need to wait on the payment itself.)
If you need help with the subscription form or have questions about ordering, please contact us. We look forward to serving you!