Question Banks


Smarter Balanced Language Arts

Grade Levels Elementary (K-5) Middle (6-8) High (9-12)    
Subjects Mathematics Science Social Studies ELA Other
Question Types Multiple-Choice Interactive Short Answer Free Response Passage-based
Features Paired Questions Ordered by difficulty Spanish Translation    
Number of questions: 828
Originally published by: Smarter Balanced Assessment Cosortium.
Database organization: Grades
Requires subscription: No


This bank contains questions originally released by the SBAC which come from released tests, practice item sets, and sample items. Each source document is presented in its entirety.

SBAC was one of two test consortia that received “Race To The Top” funds from the U.S. Department of Education in 2010 to develop tests aligned to the Common Core State Standards. (The other is PARCC, whose questions are also in the Problem-Attic database.) As of this writing, SBAC has 20 member states or affiliates. The tests that it produces are delivered fully online with many interactive or “technology enhanced” items. Nearly all of these items have been adapted for PDF documents, so they work equally well online or offline, for printed tests, discussion, review, etc. A small number that require a web-based “applet” are not in Problem-Attic's database.

For more information, please visit