Learn more about Problem-Attic

This page provides information about the content and program features in Problem-Attic.  Please click the links for videos, screenshots, and step-by-step instructions.

  1. Select tab

    Problem-Attic tour

    Selection shortcuts (navigation panel and random selection)

    Search by topic

    Browse/add question banks  /  Index

    Standards alignment (State Assessments, Regents, and NYS grades 3–8)

  2. Arrange tab

    Document parts, directions

    Select options... (move questions between parts)

    Custom answer spaces (including griddables)

    How to remove a reading passage or PDF attachment

  3. Editing

    Question types (examples, videos, instructions)

    “Live” math editor (scroll down for reference sheets)

    Interactive questions: video overview  /  examples #1 (social studies)  /  examples #2 (math)

    Answer fields and keyboards

    Graphics library

  4. Slideshows, Online Tests, Scoring

    Present tab for slideshows, real-time scoring  /  video

    Export tab  /  Student login  /  Virtual classes

    Test scanner phone app  /  video  /  student info (installing the app)

    ZipGrade scannable key  /  video

    Read-aloud for online tests and exports

  5. Integration with Google, Canvas and Schoology

    Google Quiz: one-click export  /  video

    Google Classroom: sharing a document with students

    Google Classroom: video for creating an assignment and uploading scores

    Canvas: one-click export  /  video for classic or new quiz

    Canvas: video for random selection groups

    Canvas: video for item bank creation (requires special license)

    Schoology Assessment  /  video

  6. Document Management, Question Banks, Sharing

    My Documents: splitting and merging

    Sharing documents with other teachers

    Scrambling of choices on PDFs

    Collaboration mode: locking and scoring

  7. Support for Language Arts

    ELA added to State Assessments

    Reading passage collection

  8. Curriculum Development: Bank Builder and related tools

    Curriculum development - Overview

    Build your own question bank

    Hierarchy import tool for folders & documents

    Alignment tool for building your own bank

    Publicly-shared banks (from P-A users)

    Change the order of documents when exporting

  9. Other Features

    TEKS support (Texas), STAAR questions and practice sets

    Illustrative Mathematics (IM) paired practice questions

    Parallel Test Forms

    Language-switching for English/Spanish

    How Problem-Attic can reduce cheating

  10. General Information about Problem-Attic

    Video overview: selection, formatting, delivery

    Content overview

    Plans overview

    Free tools for distance learning

    Try features in the Play Area

    Training / webinars / recordings

    Managing a school subscription