Learn more about Problem-Attic
This page provides information about the content and program features in Problem-Attic. Please click the links for videos, screenshots, and step-by-step instructions.
Select tab
Selection shortcuts (navigation panel and random selection)
Browse/add question banks / Index
Standards alignment (State Assessments, Regents, and NYS grades 3–8)
Arrange tab
Select options... (move questions between parts)
Question types (examples, videos, instructions)
“Live” math editor (scroll down for reference sheets)
Interactive questions: video overview / examples #1 (social studies) / examples #2 (math)
Slideshows, Online Tests, Scoring
Present tab for slideshows, real-time scoring / video
Export tab / Student login / Virtual classes
Test scanner phone app / video / student info (installing the app)
Integration with Google, Canvas and Schoology
Google Quiz: one-click export / video
Google Classroom: sharing a document with students
Google Classroom: video for creating an assignment and uploading scores
Canvas: one-click export / video for classic or new quiz
Canvas: video for random selection groups
Canvas: video for item bank creation (requires special license)
Document Management, Question Banks, Sharing
My Documents: splitting and merging
Support for Language Arts
Curriculum Development: Bank Builder and related tools
Curriculum development - Overview
Hierarchy import tool for folders & documents
Alignment tool for building your own bank
Other Features
TEKS support (Texas), STAAR questions and practice sets
Illustrative Mathematics (IM) paired practice questions
General Information about Problem-Attic
Video overview: selection, formatting, delivery
Free tools for distance learning