
This page shows upcoming training sessions for Problem-Attic. The sessions are open to all users of Problem-Attic and don't require pre-registration.

You will notice certain sessions are marked with FR. That means the session will focus entirely on the free part of the website; no subscription options will be discussed.

Each session will last approximately 45 minutes. Recordings will be posted a week or two afterward, probably with time-marks, so you can jump to particular topics. One advantage of participating in a live session is that there will be an informal Q&A afterward.

Professional Development credit: if you need a certificate of participation, write to our support address afterward with the session date/time, your name and school. Be sure to write to us from the email address you use for logging in to Problem-Attic.


Title / Login Date / Time Topics*

Getting Started with Problem-Attic (FR)

(recording will be posted after second session)

February 11
4:00 pm EST
Adding question banks
Selection shortcuts, navigation panel
Arrange tab (Grid, Details)
Format tab, document layout
Make PDF, share with students
Organizing and sharing documents

Intermediate to Advanced Features (FR)

(recording will be posted after second session)

February 13
7:00 pm EST
Search by topic
Advanced layout options, fullwidth, columns
Arrange tab, custom Answer Spaces
Document parts, directions
Parallel forms and language-switching
Organize page, document folders
My documents (splitting, merging)

Export & Scoring

(recording will be posted after second session)

February 20
4:00 pm EST
Present tab
Online tests
Google Quiz, Canvas, Schoology
Google Classroom Assignments
Answer sheets
Manual scoring
Test scanner phone app

Problem-Writing: Basics

(recording will be posted after second session)

February 25
7:00 pm EST
Question types
Live math
Basic techniques
Interactive questions
Graphics library
Re-using questions

Getting Started with Problem-Attic (FR)

(recording will be posted after second session)

February 27
7:00 pm EST
(repeated session, see above)

Intermediate to Advanced Features (FR)

(recording will be posted after second session)

March 4
4:00 pm EST
(repeated session, see above)

Curriculum Development (FR)

(recording coming soon)

March 6
7:00 pm EST
Exporting folders & documents
Re-aligning questions
Uploading document/folder hierarchy
Adding objectives
Building your own bank

Export & Scoring


March 11
7:00 pm EST
(repeated session, see above)

Problem-Writing: Basics

March 13
4:00 pm EST
(repeated session, see above)

Problem-Writing: Advanced

March 18
7:00 pm EST
Intros, parboxes, key values
Font icons and special objects
More about graphics
More about math formulas
*Topics may vary slightly from what's listed here.